Warisan Kardi Kasan Rejo



Total Persons 239
Male persons 123
Female persons 116
Persons with unknown gender 0
Intersex persons 0
Person Events 121


Total Families 60
Married Families 38
Divorced Families 4
Family Events 42

Time & Dates

Earliest Date 1929
Latest Date 28/03/2024

Statistic Charts

Age at Death

Age at Death

Age of Parents at Birth of Child

Age of Parents at Birth of Child

Age of Child at Parents Death

Age of Child at Parents Death

Age of Person at Death of Partner

Age of Person at Death of Partner

Year of Birth

Year of Birth

Year of Death

Year of Death

Month of Birth

Month of Birth

Month of Death

Month of Death

Children per Family

Children per Family



Event or Fact Types

Event or Fact Types